Sunday, April 29, 2007

Short Bike Recap in Temecula

I received a email last week to join in on a challenging bike ride in Temecula, CA.
This attached photo of Floyd Landis, was part of the email.

This was a very challenging course without a doubt, I had no idea what to expect. I would like to thank Johnnie and Tiffany for providing SAG support, during the ride. Below is the ride profile from that day.

Below is a ride profile of Santiago Canyon, our usually route for training. I usually do pretty well on this course. As you can see from comparing the two, the course in Temecula makes the canyon look like a speed bump. Overall I was humbled from this accomplishment, it was a big character builder ride for many reasons. One reason is because I have not been on bike in 2months, another reason was after that first climb, my legs felt like jello, I had to dig deep to finish out the ride. Thank Johnnie I owe you one :)

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